Accreditation Survey

eBook: Common Accreditation Survey Mistakes
Surveyor shares the most common mistakes during surveys Dawn Q. Onofrio RN, MSA, CASC, CNOR, CAIP., has served as an accreditation surveyor for 23 years. In this ebook, she shares insights from her long career as a nurse, a surveyor, and a consultant assisting ASCs with accreditation preparation. Download the ebook to learn about the …

Common Accreditation Survey Mistakes: Quality Assurance Logs Gone Missing
Want to pass your next accreditation survey with flying colors? It’s possible, by avoiding some of the most common accreditation survey red flags. Surglogs recently hosted a webinar with expert guest speaker Dawn Q. Onofrio RN, MSA, CASC, CNOR, CAIP, where she outlined five common mistakes found when performing an accreditation survey. Dawn has served …

Watch webinar: Prep Like a Pro: Strategies from a Surveyor
Watch free webinar featuring Dawn Q. Onofrio, RN, MSA, CASC, CNOR, CAIP, a seasoned surveyor with 23 years of experience. In this webinar, she will share invaluable strategies to help you prepare for a survey and sail through it successfully. In the webinar, you’ll discover: About Dawn: She has been a surgery nurse for 35+ years. …

5 Ways HealthTech Prepares Centers for Accreditation Surveys
Even though healthcare accreditation surveys typically only occur every 1.5 – 3 years, it seems that there’s never a week that goes by without it being top of mind. In fact, it often takes healthcare facilities up to one year or more to prepare for these events due to their essential nature. While there’s nothing …